Make a Donation

Please Donate to Food From The Heart

As a non-profit organization, we are continually looking for ways to raise money to support our program. In addition to holding several fundraisers a year, we regularly apply for grants and also receive donations from generous supporters.

Your donations and pledges, whatever the size, are fully tax-deductible, and are essential for covering our operation costs, which include insurance, food, and containers.

Your ongoing pledge, one-time donation, bequest, or gift of a car, motorcycle or boat you no longer need, will help ensure funding that enables us to continue this vital service.

Send Donations Or Pledges To:

Food From the Heart
PO Box 3908
Santa Barbara, CA 93130

Checks should be made payable to
“Food From The Heart”

One-time donations are always appreciated, or an ongoing pledge to Food from the Heart will help ensure regular and consistent funding that we can count on.